Find an expert business lawyer worldwide.
Pay a fair price and get the job done.

How it Works

We help you find expert business lawyers who speak your language
You pay a fair price and in your currency

Answer a few questions about you and your job and verify your account

Receive multiple quotes from expert lawyers

Choose which lawyer best fits your needs and budget

Engage and work directly with your lawyer

Pay your lawyer through our platform in your currency

Review your lawyer and leave helpful feedback for them and future clients

Why use Unifylegal?

We Add Value to Your Business
We help you find and manage expert business lawyers worldwide. These lawyers charge fair prices, up to 60% lower than larger firms.

How is Unifylegal able to deliver this value?

We Know the Market and Are Passionate About Helping You
We have worked at some of the largest global law firms and financial institutions in the world. We have hand selected a database of expert lawyers across multiple jurisdictions and disciplines. We match your job with the most experienced lawyers based on facts, not relationships.

Exactly how is Unifylegal able to save me up to 60% on my legal bills?

Our Lawyers Leverage Technology and Compete for Your Work
Most large law firms charge their clients high fees for the work of relatively inexperienced lawyers. Our experienced lawyers, however, do most of the work themselves and save costs in part by leveraging technology rather than junior lawyers, and cutting down on expensive office buildings and staff. By having our lawyers compete for your business, we ensure that a fair amount of these cost savings are passed on to you.